Probability simulation of basketball throws - 27 Aug, 2009 (montecarlo, statistics, clojure, data)
A probability simulation from the book Resampling: The New Statistics, using Clojure and Incanter
A probability simulation from the book Resampling: The New Statistics, using Clojure and Incanter
Have your clojure test-is results posted on twitter automatically as they run
I needed a crawler to go around a list of pages, invoke some javascript(tests) and collect the output
Prolog vs SQL
Keyboard layout design and optimization ideas
Script to organize pictures into folders by the day they were taken
Waiting for a stock price to rise to a certain value to sell it? or waiting for the price to drop to a certain value to buy it? But don’t want to be checking...
a script that given an ebay search term, creates misspells alternatives and then executes an (ebay)search. because sometimes great bargains can be found from...
Is it only me, or is a bit annoying that every year around Christmas, Birthday’s, etc, we all have to go and find some gift and more often than none ends up ...
Google, data nirvana and grandmother’s birthday