Ebay Misspells Search

A small ruby script that does searches in ebay. Is able to:

  • introducing some misspells in order to find those misspelled items that might be a great bargain(because nobody else is able to find them)
  • able to search in more than one ebay store.

Prints out to console the search results. Of course because is in ruby, is easy to modify and play around :)

Quick and dirty pulled together, but posting here in case someone else finds it useful.

Use like so:

for multiple keyword search:

> ruby ebayfind.rb "Ibanez guitar"

for single keyword search:

> ruby ebayfind.rb Ibanez


require 'net/http'
require 'rexml/document'
require 'active_support'

class Misspell

 def self.a(a_text="word", options=["skip_letter", "double_letters",
   "reverse_letters","skip_spaces","missed_key","inserted_key" ])

    ## Sets up the params    params = Hash.new
   params["user_input"] = a_text
   options.each do |opt|
     params[opt] = opt

    #executes a call    
    res = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse('http://tools.seobook.com/spelling/keywords-typos.cgi'), params)

    #cleans and formats results    
    res.body.gsub("\n", ',').scan(/<textarea rows[^>]*(.*)<\/textarea>/).flatten.to_s.gsub(">", "").split(',')

if ARGV.length == 0
 puts "#{$0}: You must enter at least one argument."

search_str = [ARGV[0]]

puts "Finding: #{search_str}"
output = ""

puts "Creating the misspells..."
search_str << Misspell.a(search_str, ["skip_letter", "double_letters", "reverse_letters","skip_spaces","missed_key","inserted_key" ])
puts "Search item with added misspells: #{search_str.join(",")}"

#ebay_stores = {"1"=>"US", "3"=>"GB", "77"=>"DE", "71"=>"FR", "186"=>"ES", "146"=>"NL"}
ebay_stores = {"3"=>"GB", "77"=>"DE", "71"=>"FR", "186"=>"ES", "146"=>"NL"}

#Iterate through each Ebay 
ebay_stores.each_key do |siteid|

  # Iterate through each  
  search_str.each do |query_string|

    # Put together an eBay parameter string    
    ebay_params = {
     'callname' =>'FindItemsAdvanced',
     'appid'                       =>'TODO:_YOUR_OWN_EBAY_API_ID',
     'version'                     =>'553',
     'responseencoding'            =>'XML',
     'siteid'                      =>siteid,
     'MessageID                   '=>'',
     'BidCountMax                 '=>'',
     'BidCountMin                 '=>'',
     'CategoryHistogramMaxParents '=>'',
     'CategoryID                  '=>'',
     'CharityID                   '=>'',
     'Condition                   '=>'',
     'Currency                    '=>'',
     'DescriptionSearch           '=>'',
     'EndTimeFrom                 '=>'',
     'EndTimeTo                   '=>'',
     'ExcludeFlag                 '=>'',
     'FeedbackScoreMax            '=>'',
     'FeedbackScoreMin            '=>'',
     'GroupMaxEntries             '=>'',
     'GroupsMax                   '=>'',
     'IncludeSelector             '=>'',
     'ItemsAvailableTo            '=>'',
     'ItemsLocatedIn              '=>'',
     'ItemSort                    '=>'',
     'ItemType                    '=>'AllItemTypes',
     'MaxDistance                 '=>'',
     'MaxEntries                  '=>'',
     'ModTimeFrom                 '=>'',
     'PageNumber                  '=>'',
     'PaymentMethod               '=>'PayPal',
     'PostalCode                  '=>'',
     'PreferredLocation           '=>'',
     'PriceMax                    '=>'',
     'PriceMin                    '=>'',
     'ProductID                   '=>'',
     'Quantity                    '=>'',
     'QuantityOperator            '=>'',
     'QueryKeywords               '=> (query_string.gsub(' ', '%20')),
     'SearchFlag                  '=>'',
     'SellerBusinessType          '=>'',
     'SellerID                    '=>'',
     'SellerIDExclude             '=>'',
     'SortOrder                   '=>'',
     'StoreName                   '=>'',
     'StoreSearch                 '=>''
   }.map { |key,value| "#{key.strip}=#{value}" unless value.empty? }.join("&").squeeze('&')

    # Ask eBay what it knows about our query_string    
    ebay_response = Net::HTTP.get_response('open.api.ebay.com', '/shopping?' << ebay_params)

    xml = REXML::Document.new(ebay_response.body)

    # Get basic information    
    response3 =  Hash.from_xml(xml.to_s)

   xml.root.elements.each("/FindItemsAdvancedResponse/SearchResult/ItemArray/Item") do |element|
     item =  Hash.from_xml(element.to_s)
     puts ""
     puts ">> Searching for: #{query_string}, in #{bay_stores[siteid]}, got #{response3["FindItemsAdvancedResponse"]["TotalItems"]} results"
     puts item['Item']['Title']
     puts item['Item']['EndTime']
     puts item['Item']['ConvertedCurrentPrice']
     puts item['Item']['GalleryURL']
     puts item['Item']['ListingType']
     puts item['Item']['Condition']
     puts item['Item']['ViewItemURLForNaturalSearch']
