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Clojure and Selenium  - 24 Apr, 2009 (automation, clojure, webcrawler, project)

I needed a crawler to go around a list of pages, invoke some javascript(tests) and collect the output

Photo organizer  - 25 Nov, 2008 (automation, ruby, python, project)

Script to organize pictures into folders by the day they were taken

Stock Price Alert  - 31 Jul, 2008 (automation, ruby, project)

Waiting for a stock price to rise to a certain value to sell it? or waiting for the price to drop to a certain value to buy it? But don’t want to be checking...

Ebay Misspells Search  - 27 Jun, 2008 (automation, ruby, project)

a script that given an ebay search term, creates misspells alternatives and then executes an (ebay)search. because sometimes great bargains can be found from...

Funds ‘R’ US  - 12 Feb, 2008 (life)

Is it only me, or is a bit annoying that every year around Christmas, Birthday’s, etc, we all have to go and find some gift and more often than none ends up ...

Big Brother Google  - 18 Jan, 2008 (life)

Google, data nirvana and grandmother’s birthday