Homemade Auto-Updater

Here’s a script that i use frequently to update an application to the last version. It automates the process of downloading and installing the app.


Every day there’s a new release of Aquamacs, its called the nightly build, made from the latest developed code. And is always available from the same url.

So the script does the following: creates temporary folder for it, downloads the latest version, unpacks it, requests to close Aquamacs if running(so it can replace it), creates a backup version AquamacsOld.app (in case the new ones has troubles i can use the previous), copies the files to the applications folder and cleans up the temporary downloaded files.

mkdir /tmp/emacsdownload && cd /tmp/emacsdownload
curl http://braeburn.aquamacs.org/~dr/Aquamacs/24/Aquamacs-nightly.tar.bz2 --silent -o /tmp/emacsdownload/aquamacs.tar.bz2
tar xjf /tmp/emacsdownload/aquamacs.tar.bz2
RUN=`ps -ef | grep Aquamacs | grep -v grep`
if [ -n "$RUN" ]; then
  x=`/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
    tell application "Finder"
      set myReply to button returned of (display dialog "Please close Aquamacs to update" default button 2 buttons {"No", "Ok"})
    end tell
  if [[ $x = "No" ]]; then exit; fi
rm -rf /Applications/AquamacsOld.app
mv -f /Applications/Aquamacs.app /Applications/AquamacsOld.app
cp -R /tmp/emacsdownload/Aquamacs.app /Applications
rm -rf /tmp/emacsdownload


For Chromium on each build the download url changes, so we have to add extra logic for this, first it figures out the latest version and then uses that information for the download url, the rest is similar to the Aquamacs script.

mkdir /tmp/chromedownload && cd /tmp/chromedownload
curl $CHROMEDIR/LATEST -o /tmp/chromedownload/LATEST --silent && LATEST=`cat /tmp/chromedownload/LATEST`
curl $CHROMEDIR/$LATEST/chrome-mac.zip --silent -o /tmp/chromedownload/chrome-mac.zip
unzip -qq /tmp/chromedownload/chrome-mac.zip
RUN=`ps -ef | grep Chromium | grep -v grep`
if [ -n "$RUN" ]; then
  x=`/usr/bin/osascript <<EOT
    tell application "Finder"
      set myReply to button returned of (display dialog "Please close Chromium to update" default button 2 buttons {"No", "Ok"})
    end tell
  if [[ $x = "No" ]]; then exit; fi
rm -rf /Applications/Chromium.app
cp -R /tmp/chromedownload/chrome-mac/Chromium.app /Applications
rm -rf /tmp/chromedownload

Automate it

To automate we can add it into a cron job like so:

01      11      *       *       *       update-chromium

That runs every day at 11h01
