Behavioral Science Nudges
Behavioral Science Nudges
Sometimes we look at a summary of a data analysis and think: that’s interesting, it does look like there’s too little (or too much) of that, ok. We should indeed get more, but i have no idea how…
Unfortunately often happens, that without a clear action to take that insight will go forgotten and it goes to waste. That is, the results are understandable in expressing where we are and the direction we should go, but does not really tells how to do it. - This can also be called the last-mile problem.
So, besides equipping people with “rational” stats summaries, we often can look for opportunities to design their choice environments in ways that will nudge (incentive) the decision making process.
“Nudge” connotes the application of findings from psychology and behavioral economics to prompt people to make decisions that are consistent with their long-term goals.
For example, since people tend to dislike making changes, set the default option to be the one that people would choose if they had more time, information to do the more rational choice.
Note that there can be a dark side to these techniques, its not right to nudge for personal benefit or wrong doing, but like with every other tool/technique its about the responsibility of people using it.
Examples (not meant to be the most brilliant applications of the technique, but exemplifications what it means):
- Want to loose weight, use a small plate that does not fit too much food, its a nudge to eat less.
- Want to control weight, measure and look the weight frequently, being aware that it has been going up like crazy lately will nudge you to control it.
- Want to get more active ? Get a step counter, compare daily with other people
- Create a work setup that allows to start working more quickly. Tools available at a hands reach and not too far stored away, less buttons and clicks to get started the better.
- Give candy (or cartoon tv time) to a child as a reward for cleaning up the bedroom.
Save paper by setting the office printer to the default of double-sided printing, people will most of the times do the default.
- Want to keep a habit ? Keep a daily record of the habit, once the habit success streak is big (like 30 days without fail), you will feel the nudge not to break it and continue doing it. see:
Joining these techniques with modern data tracking and analysis capabilities, is a powerful device.
Dan Ariely’s book: Predictably Irrational