Clojure and Selenium part ii - cov3

Have been playing around with selenium and clojure for a while, and now that selenium 2 is in beta ended up making a little web crawler library called cov3.


It has 3 flavors of crawling:

  • the usual crawler, give him a url, and keeps on going until he visits all of the linked pages (that point to same domain).
  • a sitemap crawler, give him a sitemap.xml and visits the urls he finds in the sitemap.
  • a step crawler, give him a csv file with the list of urls(steps) to visit.

On each page the crawler visits it executes a bit of javascript code that we can define as a validation. These validations are usefull to test your site in an automated way, say for example, you want to check:

  • if all pages contain meta tags
  • if all pages contain a title
  • if you have web analytics tracking in all pages
  • find out what links are broken
  • test your own javascript in an automated way in all pages.
  • etc..

Also allows to use, for the crawling, either Firefox, Internet Explorer(when on windows), Chrome or HtmlUnit(a GUI-Less browser).


(require '[cov3 :as cov3])

;; then (:ff is short for firefox, use :hu for HtmlUnit, 
;; :ch for Chrome, and :ie for Internet Explorer)
(cov3/crawl :ff "" '("document.title"))

;; or (10 is the sample size to pick from sitemap.xml)
(cov3/sitemap-crawl :ff "" "" "" 10 '("document.title"))

;; or (assuming you have a csv file with the steps to take, see more on documentation)
;; for example the line:,"document.title",,
(cov3/step-crawl :ff "data/steps.csv")

Is available from github:
